
Building a best-in-class career development program that attracts, retains, and launches future leaders of Las Vegas from the UNLV Women’s sports program


Connecting our student athletes with resources and tools needed to successfully navigate their career launch post graduation

Program Framework

Students will be part of a four year program and journey that will enable them to successfully launch and navigate their career paths post graduation. The framework is designed to allow for gradual progression that empowhers them to build the practical skills, network, and leadership toolbox needed to enable their success.

For Cohort 1, beginning 2024/2025 academic year, there will be approximately 50 Junior/Seniors accepted that will benefit from dedicated leadership skills, training, networking opportunities, and critical resume/interview resources to help them launch their careers in the near future.  Time commitment will be approximately 10-20 hours total per semester (based on what activities they want to partake in.)

Building the Foundation


Fundamentals Tool Kit

Time management/Mental Health

Etiquette training

Financial Basics

Community Focus

Year 2

Career exploration (Interviews)

Job Shadowing

Resume Building

Understanding You (DISC)

Building the Pillars

Year 3

Discovering You

(Personal Branding / Skills finders)

Narrowing the career aspiration

Building your external network

(WISE, Sports, Other)

Capstone: Leadership summit

(Effective communication / Team building / Leadership fundamentals)

Career Launch

Year 4

Mentoring future leaders

Community and high school engagement

Interview training

Intern program option

Building Financial and Tech foundations

Building the Program

Phase one will occur in the 2024-2025 academic year and set the work for the full program. Our phased roll-out will allow us to build support, university ties, and alumni connections as we deploy the program.

Phase 1 (2024/2025)

Fundamental tool kit for year 1/2

Build external and executive partnerships

(WISE / key companies / leaders)

Launch 1-2 key programs benefitting year 3/4 students

(Spring leadership summit / Peer mentorship program)

Resume building / Career readiness seminars

Charity Partnership / Community outreach

Phase 2 (2026)

Discovering You

Build your brand / Strength finder training

Establish career exploration / Job shadow program

Interview training / Effective communication

Intern program launch

Financial and technical foundations

Our Team

With our allies, we are devoted to furthering the careers of women in sports at UNLV.

Diana Bennett

Our Founder

Stephanie Bruckner

Program Executive Sponsor

Mallory Poole

UNLV Athletics Program Sponsor

Erick Harper

UNLV Athletic Director

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